Short Updates . . .

Long time no update!

Here’s what I’ve been up to:

  1. Graduated!

  2. Bumped up to FT hours!

  3. Attended OLC and was part of the James A. Cook Book Award Committee!

  4. Attended the 2019 YALSA Symposium in Memphis

  5. Joined a CSLP committee

  6. Picked to serve on a national committee I can’t talk about yet

  7. Planned a few storytimes

  8. Planned and led anime-themed afterschool programs

  9. Planned a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament for teens/young adults

  10. Doubled our teen SRP attendance

  11. Held monthly anime clubs at the library, with 12-15 teens in attendance

  12. Read over 200 books in 2019

  13. Offered more booktalks at a local high school

  14. Trained with others for a NASA initiative, where teens + tweens make gliders

and lots more I can’t think of at the top of my head.

Professionally, I am excited about what is to come. While there have been some hardships personally, I know that some things will get better in time.

Here are some of the things I’m into lately:

  1. Watching Kitboga, a guy who wastes scammers’ time and does RP/improv

  2. Reading a lot of manga, including Waiting for Spring and Ao Haru Ride

  3. Finished The Folk of the Air trilogy — wow, what an ending!

  4. Re-reading The Raven Cycle in preparation (oops, months behind) for Call Down the Hawk. I’m currently on The Dream Thieves.

  5. Trying to cook more

  6. Buying less, using up more of what I have.

Summer, Summer . . .

It's finally warming up in southern Ohio!

I have a nice little balcony, and I've been spending time there with my cats (they have a little cage to keep them contained). I'm trying to soak up the sun before the cursed humidity visits us again.

On the school front, my second semester is winding down (or up?). I finished two of my one credit classes, and just have three regular left to go. I love that the topics we cover in my classes are directly applicable to the work I do every day -- that's not often true about grad school! I've especially loved my class on YA services; I'll read about something in our textbook, only to see how true it is the very next day. I feel so lucky to be able to work and attend school at the same time.

As far as work, we're getting ready for Summer! I'm excited to celebrate the theme "Libraries Rock" -- we have lots of fun and creative programs planned. I'll be running some teen programs (with some help!) and I can't wait. Beyond summer planning, I've been enjoying getting to know the youth in the community --  it's so easy to get attached! From children to teens, every one has been funny, kind, and endlessly creative. I love planning a program and being surprised at how the kids reinvent the instructions! I've also learned a lot about myself from these experiences -- I'm much more adaptive and unflappable than I thought! It's also emphasized to me just how much I love what I do, and how important having a positive, supportive atmosphere is. Happiness breeds happiness.

I've been reading a mix of picture books, juvenile fiction, young adult fiction, and manga/graphic novels so far this year. Meeting teens who are into anime has sparked my interest in manga again! I finally finished the Fruits Basket series and I'm still dealing with all of my #feels. Right now I'm on the second book of the A Court of Thorns & Roses series by Sarah J. Maas and making my way through Sightwitch by Susan Dennard. I also just finished the second book in the Grisha Trilogy . . . as you can tell, I've been on a fantasy kick lately! I was binging contemporary YA, but now it's all about those girls with magical powers. I also just finished the Angel tv series, and I'm still a little WTF about that ending. 

I've also been reevaluating my health lately, having turned 29, and am thinking more of the future. I've been eating healthier, moving more, and taking better care of myself. It's been paying off and I hope to continue to develop even more healthy habits! I've been tracking these results and habits in a journal, where I do bad bullet journaling. Every day I'm excited to see what I've accomplished, and to think of goals for the next month!

In summation, everything is rad! 

Closing off:

Currently reading: A Court of Mist & Fury by Sarah J Maas (reading in print, audio, and e-book); Sightwitch by Susan Dennard

Currently watching: re-watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Currently playing: I got a Wii U! I've been doing some yoga and playing a yoshi game.






Current Projects + Updates

For my first post here, I'd thought I'd do a summary of all of my projects and fun things I'm doing:

I'm pleased to be a reviewer/elector for Choose to Read Ohio! I'll be helping to select books for the Teen and Adult categories. 

I'm excited to start a new position in a public library serving youth! More details as I get settled in.

I just got back from the Young Adult Library Services Association's Symposium in Louisville, KY! I had a blast and can't wait to try out all of the cool ideas I learned about. I posted some of my thoughts during the symposium on my Twitter feed with the hashtag #yalsa17. I should mention that while at the symposium, I was able to meet some great authors -- including Nina LaCour, who wrote the heartbreakingly beautiful We Are Okay. I was able to tell her that it was my favorite book of the year without totally melting down, so that will always be a highlight of my life. I'll post a #bookhaul from the event soon.

I'm about a month or so away from finishing my first semester of library school, and wow, it's gone by quickly! Next semester I'm going all out on my favorite topics: Programming & Services for Children + Youth (two separate classes), Serving Diverse Communities in the Library, and two short seminars: one on social media/analytics, and one on indigenous librarianship. I'm not sure if it's mentioned elsewhere on my page, but my M.A. in Political Science was really in Political Theory w/an emphasis on Women's Studies and Critical Race Theory . . . so combining that with librarianship is all I could ever want. Recently I started doing some research on applying CRT to librarianship (see: Kafi Kumasi) and I hope to continue once I have more free time.

That's all for now! I'll sign off with an update on what media I'm consuming:

Audiobooks: The Thing About Jellyfish; The Fifth Season; My Brilliant Friend

Physical Books: Lucky in Love

e-books: She Persisted; Obsidian (a Lux Novel)

TV show: The Good Place; Riverdale